Compounding Apothecary for Practitioners + Clients

Compounding Apothecary 

We have a well-stocked apothecary of bulk herbs and extracts to fill formulas for herbal practitioners and their clients. You can also access these services if you have a formula from an herb book or other source that you would like to have filled.


What is Available?

Please check this document for the current list of available tinctures, glycerites, and bulk herbs that we have in stock for formulation. (These lists are more extensive than the bulk herbs + extracts that we sell for general purchase.) 

Bulk herbs are all sourced from small scale herb farms, so we won't have absolutely everything. There just are a few exceptions such as licorice, lobelia, codonopsis and others which we feel are important to stock and there are no U.S. growers that we know of who produce on a wholesale scale. We focus a lot on bioregional remedies and using analogues for herbs which may be in the materia medica but for which we don't have a sustainable or ethical source for (i.e. we don't have Osha root but have plenty of other respiratory, lymph, and immune supportive herbs).

We make the majority of extracts in-house, with fresh plants when available. Tinctures that we don't make ourselves come from other small batch makers. Glycerites are made with palm-free vegetable glycerine.


There is an 16 oz maximum for any individual formula dispensed from the apothecary. If you are looking for a larger amount, for personal use or for mutual aid projects; please send us an email at to discuss! 


Pricing Structure

Bulk herb and extracts are available on a sliding scale to help herbal remedies be more accessible to your clients.


Sliding Scale for Compound Formulas: 

Bulk Herbs + Powders: $4-8/oz

Extracts: $8-24/oz 

Shipping is an additional $5-15 depending on weight of herbs and distance to ship.


How to Order

For Practitioners:

Please send in your formula requests using this form for practitioners


For Clients:

If you have a formula from an herbalist that you would like to fill, please send a request using this form for clients


4 shelves at MXED GREENS with rows of alphabetized bulk herb jars


MXED GREENS Sliding Scale Compounding + Drop Ship Apothecary. For practitioners and clients. Bulk herbs, tinctures, glycerites. Full information and forms at