An essence blend by A Tethered God to tether in cycles of darkness + death as fertile ground. DESCENT draws attention to the little deaths we experience every day, without much recognition, that prepare us for the larger death of others, ideas, harmful cultures, and ourselves. DESCENT calls for dwelling in the darkness with power instead of fear or judgement.
Specifically formulated for times of darkness - in ourselves and our societies - DESCENT helps us hold death squarely, and with reverence, and an eye for the future. In the darkest of times, we learn to see. Or, to quote Frozen II (who knew this would ever happen?) - when all is lost, then all is found.
Contains: Vibrational extractions of: ghost pipe (Monotropa uniflora), jimsonweed (Datura stramonium), rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus) in apple brandy & spring water
1/2 oz dropper bottle
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What is our relationship to descent? To destruction? To cyclical rising and falling?
Where do we draw the line between these things, and decline?
Decline can be a weaponized word. Decline can be cultural, can be societal, can be individual.
Not so very long ago, the year was a wheel that dipped underground. Descent to and from the depths of the underworld (as well as the underworld itself) was a topic of story & myth the world over - Persephone and her return to Hades, Inanna and the trials of visiting her sister, Orpheus in his attempt to rescue Eurydice, the journey of Väinämöinen to Tuonela.
Descent bred context. Descent bred relationship with depth and the fullness of experience. Descent bred reverence, and reverence bred life. To exist in cycles means to be in relationship with existence.
What is our relationship to death, and how did we learn to carry & hold it? Or rather - how did we not learn to carry & hold it? What are we missing when we only look at one side of the story, one portion of the wheel, one turn of the spiral?
What capacities do we miss cultivating within ourselves, and then, what do we begin to fear?
Not so very long ago, death was a fertile space - goddesses of death were also goddesses of regeneration and fertility, two sides of the same coin. Some say when we stopped touching the dead we stopped being in touch with ourselves, with a piece of our experience that would eventually overtake us all. When we cannot allow ourselves to be safely in touch with the darkest parts of ourselves - without judgement or stigma - we lose touch with what also gives us life.
What if we stopped resisting the progression of destruction and darkness, and instead started harnessing the power it brings?
Formulated with potent plants associated with shedding, remembrance, and cycles of death, DESCENT addresses stigma and asks us to reframe our understanding of death and descent.