All cards are hand drawn, hand pulled, and screen printed on durable cardstock by Tropical Goth Prints
2023 Year of the Rabbit. Four color gold, white, purple and lime green print of marsh rabbit on brown cardstock. 7 x 5"
*sold out* 2024 Year of the Dragon. Four color gold, white, green, and sage green print of dragon, orchids, and moon phases on gold cardstock. 7 x 5"
*one left* Always Transforming: Ode to Friends & Lovers. Tricolor black, gold, and white banana spider print on green cardstock. 7 x 5"
*sold out* An Ode to the Moon: Vanessa's Card. Tricolor white, gold, and pink trumpet flower & moth print on black cardstock. 4.5 x 6.5"
Sad Sun: Dusk Card. Three color gold, white, and pink print of sun with tears and bleeding heart flowers on black cardstock. 4 x 6"
Rachel Speck was born and raised in Cocoa, Florida. She grew up in the woods; gardening, climbing trees, exploring, drawing, fishing, and raising ducks. Rachel resided not far from the Atlantic Ocean and would seek refuge at the beach. She moved to New Orleans at the not so tender age of 23. Rachel was an art educator in New Orleans and a print maker for ten years. She moved to Mexico City in 2017 to focus on her art work.
Rachel Speck nació y creció en Cocoa, Florida. Creció en el bosque; jardinería, trepar árboles, explorar, dibujar, pescar y criar patos. Rachel residía no lejos del Océano Atlántico y buscaba refugio en la playa. Se mudó a Nueva Orleans a la no tan tierna edad de 23 años. Rachel fue educadora de arte en Nueva Orleans y grabadora durante diez años. Se mudó a la Ciudad de México en el 2017 para concentrarse en su trabajo artístico.