Sensing the Seasons Workshop #1: Touch

Sensing the Seasons Workshop #1: Touch

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The first of a 5-part workshop series collaboration between MXED GREENS and Foxtrot Farm

In Sensing the Seasons, we'll explore Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight, and Hearing one by one where we immerse ourselves in the somatic + sensory experiences of the season. Each class will include learning about medicinal + edible plants, hands-on practice to make medicine/food/art with these plants, and time to connect with the land and each other. These classes are appropriate for those of you who are new to this experiences, and for those of you who have more herbal/plant experience and want to depend these relationships <3

You can attend just one class of the series, or be part of all of them!


Workshop #1: Touch

We are emerging from the winter season, and starting to have days where it’s warm enough to peel off some layers and let the sun and spring winds touch our skin. Leaves are poking up from the earth, and the ground is squishy and muddy with the spring rains. Come play in the dirt with us! 

In this workshop, we’ll focus on the sense of touch: our skin is our biggest organ and what we come into physical contact with deeply impacts our emotions, body sensations, and connection with ourselves and our environment. We’ll get to explore touch with nettles, dandelion, violet, mullein, and other spring greens to welcome the return of this tactile, moving, and energizing season. Then we’ll make an apple cider vinegar infusion with these tasty and seasonal plants for you to bring home and enjoy through the spring.

Materials: All plants and vinegar will be provided. Please wear clothes and shoes you are happy to wear in a muddy garden, and a jar (up to 16 oz) for the spring greens vinegar. Optional to bring: a chair or blanket to sit on, and a trowel or horihori for digging.

Event led by: Abby Ferla, Ced Clearwater, Tasha Greenwood

Time: Sunday May 1st, 2-4pm

Cost: $10-30 sliding scale, please review our sliding scale page on which price point is right for you

Location: Classes will be held at Foxtrot Farm in Ashfield. We are open to setting up carpools if getting there is a barrier! Please get in touch with us to discuss.

Accessibility: Foxtrot Farm is accessible by car or bicycle, located at 1237 Baptist Corner Shelburne Falls MA 01370. We will be outside for the duration of the workshop, with opportunities to sit, lie down, stand, and walk around. The gardens are located up a slight hill from the driveway, about a 100 m walk up the grassy path. Ticks may be present in the grass, we'll have a tick-key and first aid kit on hand. There is access to an indoor bathroom. Face masks are required when inside, when close to each other outside, and while making the vinegar. Children are welcome and included in your registration.